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Conversation Series

The Conversation Series
The Conversation Series are a collection of discussion panels and webinars, curated with the aim of promoting insight and understanding of broad, diverse perspectives of the luxury industry, with a spotlight on emerging markets. Discussions are led by key industry players, industry experts and academia from both the UK and emerging markets.

The Launch

The first live event was a partnership between The Financial Times and The Luxury Network at the Connaught Hotel in Mayfair, before the covid lockdown. Our team facilitated a high-level panel discussion titled An inspiring conversation on the Future of Luxury: Spotlight on the Business of Luxury in Nigeria (see video), to put the spotlight on Nigeria's dynamic luxury sector.

Where once it was all about status, logos and exclusivity, luxury brands are now actors in social conversations, driven by a renewed sense of purpose and responsibility."
Bain & Company


Luxury and Emerging Markets

The Conversation Series frames a wider strategy to drive the conversation about wealth and luxury in emerging markets.

With insights from players in key industries, alongside commentary from financial institutions, wealth management companies, and thought-leaders on luxury, discussion topics provide fascinating insight into the opportunities and challenges of building and nurturing mutually-beneficial investment and business partnerships.

Dialoguing with emerging markets

Emerging markets are oftentimes underrepresented in the conversation about the luxury industry, but data about the growing middle-class opportunity in countries like Nigeria, and increasing global recognition of creative talent across the continent, demands a fresh look.


There is therefore a call for better dialogue between industry participants, to enable better understanding of the myriad of factors that define the African luxury business environment, and thereby promote more transparent ethical practices in cross-border business relations.


Spotlight on Emerging Markets

With the spotlight on emerging markets, another objective is to facilitate knowledge-transfer about the business of luxury from an alternative viewpoint.


Discussion topics look at barriers to entry and market-entry solutions on both sides of the spectrum, with focus on understanding the language, traditions, practices and cultural nuances, that are emblematic of luxury in each market.

Distinctly Unique Content
The Conversation Series deliver a compelling proposition by presenting distinctly unique content, led by a broad and diverse group of industry professionals, alongside guest speakers and leading academics from prestigious British and African companies, across the International luxury stage.

Events also address a range of specialised topics such as: Brand Positioning and Communication, alongside practical insights into the brands and people, that embody excellence, innovation, and heritage, while analysing best practice, traditions, and know-how that have always been key success factors of the world’s leading companies.

Contact us to enquire about participation and partnership opportunities at upcoming events.

We look forward to hearing from you.

The Conversation Series

“The personal luxury goods industry has come roaring back, experiencing a V-shaped recovery in 2021. After a sharp contraction in 2020, the personal luxury goods market grew by 29% at current exchange rates to hit EUR 283 billion... For the future, Bain & Company estimates that the personal luxury goods market could reach EUR 360-380 billion by 2025 with a sustained growth of 6-8% annually.”
Bain & Company


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